What happened before

Well hello there.

I have decided to upload dev logs here for a game that I'm working on (The name is kinda in the making, for now I just called it "Paskendes" don't ask me why). Since I have done some work for this game before making this page, I thought of dedicating this weeks post to getting you caught up on what I have done.

#1 Engine

For the engine, I've decided to use Godot, originally I have used 3.5, but now that 4 has been out, I've upgraded to 4.0.3, and there are seemingly no more errors.

#2 Controller

I might have stolen a controller straight off of YouTube, I think the guy's name is Garbaj or something, I'll have to find that tutorial before release.

I have also made a car controller, still not completely sure on weather I'll use it, but I have already made a prototype for a map that will probably use it.

#3 Maps

Originally, I used Qodot, but now that I've upgraded to Godot 4, it no longer works, so I'll just stick with blender, I would have switched to blender when I finished prototyping all the maps. so it's not much of a step back.

#4 Debug functions

I did make a console following a tutorial on YouTube, but recently (as of a couple days ago), I scraped it due to difficulties, and decided to make a debug menu (kinda like the ones from Naughty Dog games).

#5 Scope

I realise that it may be a little difficult to understand what is the point of the game, so I'll make this clear. This is going to be a linear FPS, inspired by games like Uncharted (mostly 4, cause that's the only one I've played), and I guess Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, but it's pretty much more of Uncharted 4, anyways, other games include The Forest and... I think that's it. 


For next week, I would like to:

  • Prototype another map
  • Get the debug menu more functional

So thanks for reading, and have a great day

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